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Hello world!

Posted on:January 5, 2023 at 03:23 PM

This blog was created using Astro with the theme AstroPaper.

Google analytics was added using the integration astro-analytics and MDX using MDX integration. React was replaced with solid-js which required updating the code in the search route and its dependencies.

eslint was also added but didn’t have luck with the .astro files (probably because adding solid-js means that I need to set the jsx type on page by page basis or use the solid jsx syntax in .astro files), so it is currently set to work only with the .jsx?, .tsx?, .mdx? files.

It was finally deployed using Github pages which should be obvious at this point because of the url.

The future plans are to add improve search, show view counts, comments and other things, but currently not possible due to limitations of github pages.

The blog is mainly intended for technical posts, but will also have some non-technical posts.